1. polaroid Friday. . . Vintage Fisher Price, 2. Line Study #1 - work in progress, 3. Hang In There, 4. Untitled, 5. Cross Stitch: Retro Reindeer, 6. Sweet Stitching with Erin: Cross-Stitch iPhone Cases!, 7. Surprise yourself. Experiment with color., 8. Crochet squares, 9. Christmas Stitches sneak peek, 10. Lots of granny stripes and rectangles here, 11. Morning of October 5, 2011, 12. faberdashery cupboard, 13. Fred Rogers, Pray for Us, 14. Mini matroyshka, 15. Crochet blanket, 16. poppy's bedroom, in progress, 17. cozy, 18. day 19 detail, 19. Donuts!!!, 20. Tutorial: Vintage Felt Baubles, 21. Happy Rag Rug, 22. heart award ribbon brooch, 23. Ringo PIe--October--Amy, 24. Playing nice
You have the most amazing round ups!