1. my newest old thing... i love circus things., 2. Kashmiri Trays, 3. a stitch in color :: supersize shoo-fly, 4. vintage melamine stacking cups, 5. Untitled, 6. Candy Conference, 7. Crafting on the Porch, 8. Earrings made out of Paper, 9. Cocoon slippers, 10. Border #17, 11. "YOU are my world", 12. button wall in the studio, 13. finishing summer dresses just in time for fall weather, 14. Recent haul September 2011, 15. Kitchen Utensils, 16. Motifs joined and ends woven in, 17. I Love Yarn Day Badge, 18. hjs, 19. T-shirt yarn stool cover, 20. journal pages 71 - 72, 21. Enchanted Stained Glass Granny Square Umbrella, 22. Voila! The finished blanket (4), 23. A giganto afghan I saw at the thrift store today. Sometimes it worries me, how many handmade blankets you can find...., 24. pop frame die-cuts!

10 ways to repurpose clip on earrings from Ruffles and Stuff.
Stacey Page's embroidery on photos is amazing!
I have to try this recipe for Momofuku Milk Bar’s Crack Pie on A Table for Two!
Stacey Page's embroidery on photos is amazing!
I have to try this recipe for Momofuku Milk Bar’s Crack Pie on A Table for Two!
Check out the book cover embroidery contest at Feeling Stitchy! If I have any free time between now and November, I totally want to participate!
I love Carina's super useful tutorial on the Craft blog that shows how to create a color palette from a photo.
I love Carina's super useful tutorial on the Craft blog that shows how to create a color palette from a photo.
Thanks for including the thrift shot! Nice to know someone is paying attention to my Flickr stream. ;)